
8+ million ADD Grup smart meters on three continents

Despite the fact that Moldova can hardly be called a country that influences global technological processes in the world, companies such as ADD Grup operate here, which for 32 years has manufactured and supplied high-precision metering equipment under its own brand to dozens of countries on three continents.

The fair share of ADD Grup smart meters (more than 7.5 million) was supplied to the countries in Eastern and Western Europe. The company supplied more than 168 000 electricity meters to Africa, the same number to the countries of Southeast Asia, 125 000 meters to South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Peru), and other 38.5 thousand to the Middle East.

In total, as of the end of 2023, ADD Grup has manufactured and supplied 8 025 723 smart meters to 35 countries of the world.

The main goal of ADD Grup in the global market is to create interoperable equipment that can easily adapt to any tasks of energy suppliers on any continent. I think that it is no secret to you that in different countries of the world there are different communication capabilities, different software, as well as different laws in the field of providing energy resources to consumers.

Did you know, for example, that water has a habit of flowing in both directions through pipes? In some countries in the Middle East, this problem has reached such proportions that local authorities, together with meter manufacturers, are already considering the need for backflow monitoring.

Or here’s another example: Germany. In order to supply its product to the German market, ADD Grup decided not to simply adapt it to local conditions, but created a completely new electricity meter, where no similarities had ever been seen in the company’s model line before.

ADD Grup also has goals that are common to all markets, regardless of national characteristics. We are talking about the quality of the services provided. The company focuses on the highest possible percentage of data collection from its meters, no matter what communication technologies are used. As for the quality of the metering equipment itself, ADD Grup clearly follows the chosen strategy: the average percentage of defective meters produced does not exceed 0.1% per year.

32 years later, we can say with confidence that ADD Grup produces more than just meters that allow you to record consumption readings. Our equipment allows you to manage these costs, making the consumption of electricity and water rational and beneficial for absolutely everyone.

Cooperation with ADD Grup is beneficial to national suppliers of water and electricity, who, with the help of smart meters, have the opportunity to avoid the theft of resources, as well as minimize their technological losses. This is also advantageous for consumers themselves, who can monitor their utility costs and, therefore, reduce them. Our products are also beneficial for the environment, especially in those countries where mass meter replacement has been launched. And finally, cooperation with ADD Grup is beneficial to our national partners as well that have the opportunity to represent and install our products in their countries.

After several decades of successful work in the electricity meter market, ADD Grup is now developing a new direction for itself – ADDRA water meters with a control valve. At the moment, several pilot projects for water metering have been launched in Spain, Moldova and Palestine.

Also, as part of the ADDERRA project, we provide the services for electricity and water sub-metering, which allows hotel owners and landlords to bill their guests for their individual consumption online. ADDERRA promotes more efficient use of resources by helping to separate utility costs from the rental rate.

Contact us at for more information about our products and our technologies.

PRIME: The technology is an international standard and is used by a huge number of manufacturers of metering systems and devices. It is well adapted to the parameters of the physical data transmission, provides a high data transfer rate (up...
Head-End Software
Our Head-End Software is represented by SIMS, Smart Integrated Metering System, which is software part of ADDAX IMS. Head-End Software contains different components that interact between themselves and the whole ADDAX Software Solution:
  • <...
Single phase meter
Three phase meter with transformer connection (CT)
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