
ADD Grup together with Eximprod Power Systems began deliveries under a contract for 620 000 smart meters for Distributie Energie Oltenia (DEO) in Craiova, Romania.

ADD Grup together with Eximprod Power Systems won the tender for 620 000 smart meters due to the best ratio of pricing policy and excellent proven quality. The project includes 550 000 single-phase smart meters, 67 000 three-phase smart meters and 3 000 data concentrators. The companies have already started the implementation under the signed contract.

The data transmission technology, as in the majority of the projects delivered by ADD Grup, is based on PRIME version 1.3.6, which has proven its practicality and efficiency in more than 22 million smart meters installed around the world. All smart meters are supplied with an integrated PLC modem and with the ability to upgrade to PRIME 1.4 in the CENELEC and FCC bands replacement of firmware, as well as with an RS-485 interface and support for a 3GPP communication module with the ability to install a modem without removal of the smart meter, which gives DEO flexibility in transferring customers from the category of energy consumers to the category of prosumers.

This project is one of the additional stages of DEO’s grid modernization strategy. By updating the consumption monitoring system, the reliability of the power grid also increases. In the event of a breakdown/ outage or energy loss in the grid, the problem is immediately detected, which leads to its quick elimination, due to 100% registration and more than 98% data collection of ADD Grup smart meters. Thus, DEO tries to ensure an uninterrupted power supply to its end customers, 24/7.

The deployment of smart meters from ADD Grup is part of a complex implementation of an AMI solution, including data concentrators and integration with head-end software. ADD Grup smart meters are fully compatible with the third-party devices also based on the PRIME standard, and in the future, they can be seamlessly integrated with other devices, which will allow DEO to continue modernization and expansion of the power grid without any obstacles.

Through the technical improvement of the power grid, DEO strives to increase network capacity bandwidth to connect new consumers, reduce technical and commercial energy losses, assure power quality and satisfy the growing demand from the existing consumers.

This is the third project that ADD Grup delivers to DEO. The first one was deployed in 2017 and served as the basis on which was DEO formed its concept for technologies understanding and defining the strategy for the deployment of the smart meters in Romania. The results of the project are excellent evidence of the fact that DEO’s decisions were correct and well-thought. The second project delivered by ADD Grup was successfully implemented in 2020, the deployment of 10 000 smart meters.

Distributie Energie Oltenia (DEO) is a part of CEZ Group in Romania and operates on the Romanian market since 2005 supplying electricity to 1 449 939 clients in 7 counties from Oltenia and partially Muntenia (Arges and Teleorman counties). The company’s mission is to provide electricity in conditions of security and safety of electrical installations and to assure the required power quality while reducing the maintenance and network repairs costs.

Eximprod Power Systems, as part of the Eximprod group of companies, is a leader in the local energy market because of a clear vision, a desire to develop intuitive and innovative products and a deep understanding of the market evolution. In the past 25 years, the continuous research and development, the investments and the expansion in new areas have made Eximprod a group of companies with over 400 employees, companies dedicated to manufacturing, energy automation and smart grids, software development, turnkey projects, electrical design, development of wind and solar parks.


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