
ADD Grup will manufacture 500,000 smart electricity meters and 4,500 data concentrators for EVN Bulgaria

We are glad to inform you, that one of our main partners – ADD Bulgaria signed a new frame contract for supplying Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) solutions with Elektrorazpredelenie Yug EAD, owned by utility company EVN Bulgaria.

Under this agreement, ADD Grup will manufacture for Bulgarian market 500,000 smart electricity meters ADDAX and 4,500 data concentrators over the next 6 years. The total value of the deal is 43,3 million EUR. Thus, Bulgaria once again confirms that it is the largest sales market for high-precision measuring equipment manufactured by ADD Grup.

The contract is a logical continuation of long-term partnership, which began in 2006. So far, ADD Grup has deployed more than 1.2 million smart meters in the grid of this distribution system operator, contributing to significant cost optimizations and process improvements.

In addition to the delivery of smart meters, the scope of the contract includes development and delivery of additional software modules to the ADDAX Head-End system (HES), which aim to further optimize, digitalize and automate various metering processes within the utility.

«Our relationship with this customer has evolved a lot throughout the years – we started almost 20 years ago, and now reaching solutions being based on PLC technologies like PRIME PLC or Hybrid. We have made a lot of system updates and improvements. Also, we have successfully delivered a very complex cybersecurity project, so that the grid of EVN Bulgaria is secure enough, to the highest standards, unlike many other utilities not only in Bulgaria, but in the world as a whole» – according to a company press release.

ADD Grup will do its best to guarantee the good execution of the contract in the following 6 years. Congratulations to ADD Bulgaria!

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