
ADD Grup CEO Elena Turanskaya on how to make this world more energy efficient

ADD Grup is becoming increasingly popular in the global measurement equipment market. At the moment, more than 8 million smart meters produced by ADD Grup have already been installed on three continents of the planet. The world’s leading business media…

How to improve energy efficiency using smart water metering?

There is a shortage of life-giving resources all over the world. According to the UN, more than 1 billion people on Earth (or 18% of the population) lack access to clean potable water. At the same time, the most paradoxical…

In the Iberian Peninsula water consumption in hotels is being limited due to drought

Under new European directives, Spain and Portugal are forced to reduce water consumption, including in hotels and rental housing. Portugal’s Environment Minister Duarte Cordeiro said that urban consumers, including golf courses and hotels, would face a water cut of about…

8+ million ADD Grup smart meters on three continents

Despite the fact that Moldova can hardly be called a country that influences global technological processes in the world, companies such as ADD Grup operate here, which for 32 years has manufactured and supplied high-precision metering equipment under its own…

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