ADDAX IMS represents a set of solutions of the challenges facing the modern electricity metering technology in the framework of the AMI concepts.

ADDAX Metering Solution provides meter reading, data collection, data processing, communication and certain functions of data analysis. ADDAX System offers credit and prepayment mode of meter operation, load control and load shedding, multi-rate metering, fraud protection functions and energy quality control. The system provides all the necessary data for meter-to-cash business processes.

The main features of the ADDAX IMS are the following:

Open standard-based solution: Provides interoperability and interconnectivity with measuring devices and compatible components (hardware/software) of the AMR/AMM/AMI systems produced by other manufacturers. Applies open stacks for both the communication and application protocols. Using DLMS/COSEM standards allows manufacturer and communication technology independence.

Scalability: Being flexible and easy scalable metering solution can be seamlessly expanded from small project to large operated system.

Easy deployment: Enables quick and seamless deployment based on “plug & play” connection that essentially decrease installation and maintenance costs. Auto-discovery function makes it easier to manage the newly installed equipment.

Security: Enables the secure access, storage and management of information based on the data encryption and key management.

Business oriented solution: Provides all necessary data for utility needs and billing purposes. Enables optimization of the distribution systems by minimizing the distribution network losses, improving the quality of the electrical power, and eliminating the peak load.

Real-time metering: Permits both scheduled and instantaneous remote metering of electricity/water/gas/heat. Implements a flexible TOU tariffs, which promotes the electricity supply to markets with different customers’ capabilities and functional requirements.

Tamper-proof – Allows detecting and ceasing the electricity theft and fraud.

Credit and prepayment – Supports both credit and STS-based prepayment modes, which can be changed during the meter operation.

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Technical support by Kurtev