Reference Projects

2020 -2023

Country: Romania
Customer: Distributie Energie Oltenia (DEO)
Technology: PRIME
Quantity of meters: 620 000

Description of the project:

All smart meters are supplied with an integrated PLC modem and with the ability to upgrade to PRIME 1.4 in the CENELEC and FCC bands replacement of firmware, as well as with an RS-485 interface and support for a 3GPP communication module with the ability to install a modem without removal of the smart meter. Through the technical improvement of the power grid, DEO strives to increase network capacity bandwidth to connect new consumers, reduce technical and commercial energy losses, assure power quality and satisfy the growing demand from the existing consumers. This is the third project that ADD Grup delivers to DEO. The first one was deployed in 2017 and served as the basis on which was DEO formed its concept for technologies understanding and defining the strategy for the deployment of the smart meters in Romania. The results of the project are excellent evidence of the fact that DEO’s decisions were correct and well-thought. The second project delivered by ADD Grup was successfully implemented in 2020, the deployment of 10 000 smart meters.

2011 - 2022

Country: Lebanon
Partner: KVA SAL
Customer: Electricite du Liban (EDL)
Technology: PRIME
Quantity of meters: 258 000

Description of the project:

The project was launched in 2011 and has been postponed several times, in particular due to the specifics of the Lebanese power grid, frequent long-term power outages and the necessity to define a data transmission technology based, data model, interfaces between DCU and HES in order to make it unified for all vendors and Distribution Services Providers. The certification procedure also required special attention and had to be carefully thought out and worked out. Finally, in November 2020, we successfully passed the smart meter certification procedure and, accordingly, the Utility Validation stage with the completed KPI for data collection. Despite the difficulties and peculiarities of the Lebanese network, we have coped all scopes and in early 2021 we will launch the next stages of the project, exactly – supply of smart meters in the amount of 1% and 10% from the total quantity with the target to finalize the whole volume in mid 2022. 


Country: Palestine
Partner: TCEE
Customer: Biet Ummar Municipality
Technology: Hybrid PLC+RF / Fully integrated Prepayment
Quantity of meters: 6 000

Description of the project:

The partner of Add Grup in Palestine TCEE signed new contract in order to deliver 6 000 smart meters with Hybrid solution for Biet Ummar Municipality. TCEE decided to create completely autonomous platform with auto- billing and an application that enables the user to view all information related to his account such as: Purchased electricity, consumed electricity, bills, discounts and services provided, notifications, etc. This solution is a a qualitative breakthrough leap in the management of electricity networks, that allows local governments and utility companies have everyday control over the electrical grids, in particular in autonomous mode. Hybrid Solution from ADD Grup is here to provide unstoppable stability for communication, which provides 98-99.7% of data collection even in hard conditions. With autonomous transaction of communication unit between PLC & RF and independent formation topology of connection

2009 - 2022

Country: Bulgaria
Partner: ADD Bulgaria
Customer: EVN
Technology: S-FSK, PRIME
Quantity of meters: 1 050 000

Description of the project:

ADD Bulgaria, ADD Grup’s partner in Bulgaria, inked a major deal with EVN Bulgaria for the delivery of 550000 smart electricity meters based on PRIME technology. EVN has been using ADDAX technology since 2009 with more than 500 000 meters communicating via PLC. Over the years the technology changed from FSK communication, to S-FSK and now the time has come for PRIME. ADDAX AMI System demonstrated its reliability over the years. Since 2015, we have started deliveries of smart meters based on PRIME 1.3.6
The total percentage of meters with an established defect for the period if 0,12% of the meters in grid and the data collected, on a monthly basis, are within 99,2 to 99,4% of the total number of already installed meters from ADD Grup.

August 2020

Country: Romania
Partner: Intrarom S.A. / Adrem SRL
Customer: Distributie Energie Oltenia S.A. (DEO)
Technology: PRIME
Quantity of meters: 10000

Description of the project:

August 2020, Distributie Energie Oltenia S.A. (DEO), (part of CEZ Group) has signed an official acceptance statement covering delivery , installation and integration into HES/MDMS of 10 000 smart single phase and three phase meters installed in Romania country, Craiova municipality in 2020. As in many other projects delivered by ADD GRUP, the meters are based on PRIME 1.3.6, technology that proved its performance and reliability in millions of deployed meters worldwide. The project has been accepted right after the system exceeded 98% communication success rate and 100% meter registration being one of mandatory requirements in the project

2014 - 2016

Country: Latvia
Partner: ELKO SIA
Customer: AS "Sadales tīkls"
Technology: PRIME/G3, LTE, KMS Hardware Security
Quantity of meters: 110000

Description of the project:

ADD Grup in cooperation with ELKO and AS “Sadales tīkls” in 2014 successfully launched AMI project covering deployment of 110 000 smart meters in different regions scattered across Latvia. In 2015 ADD Grup received a request form AS “Sadales tīkls” to run a pilot project based on G3-PLC technology in AS “Sadales tīkls” low voltage grid. The main challenge for ADD Grup was to run G3-PLC on the same meters that had already been installed in the grid and were working on PRIME technology

2011 - 2012

Country: Poland
Partner: ADD Polska
Customer: Energa Operator
Technology: S-FSK IEC 61334-5-1
Quantity of meters: 110000

Description of the project:

This deployment took place in 2012, when Energa Operator installed 110000 Smart Meters delivered by ADD Grup as a first stage of rolling out Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Due to ADDAX Technology’s high performance, proper project management, close cooperation and coordination among all project participants, Energa Operator has one of the most successful AMI projects in Europe. Based on the results of Stage One of Energa Operator project, ADD Grup has established a new benchmark for global smart metering market


Country: Poland
Partner: Arcus
Customer: Energa Operator
Technology: PRIME
Quantity of meters: 310000

Description of the project:

ADD Grup and its partners supplied 310 000 PRIME compliant meters to Energa Operator, one of the largest Distribution System operator in Poland. This project was a step forward toward the implementation of open, fully interoperable PLC solution. The project proved to be successful. The field pilot demonstrated the full AMI functionality of ADDAX meters: cost-effective, open PLC communications, remote firmware update, remote disconnection, tamper protection


Country: Poland
Partner: ADD Polska, ADD Bulgaria
Customer: PGE
Technology: PRIME
Quantity of meters: 55000

Description of the project:

PGE Dystrybucja S.A., as a result of the tender, has awarded the consortium of ADD Grup, ADD Polska and ADD Bulgaria the contract for pilot implementation of a smart metering system (AMI) in a branch of Białystok and Łódź- covering more than 55 000 Smart Electricity Meters. ADD Grup offered for the project its new generation of meters and data concentrators based on a Universal Hardware Platform that supports PRIME with possibility for upgrade to v1.4 and G3-PLC. Thanks to the AMI implementation PGE wants to reduce the operational costs and improve quality of power supply. The implementation includes the integration with third party Head End System and integration with cellular operator. The experience of ADD Grup gained at previous implementations of 420 000 meters in Poland is valuable for the deployment at PGE Dystrybucja S.A.

2015 - 2019

Country: Hungary
Partner: Dobos
Customer: E.ON
Technology: Pole-mounted metering solution, S-FSK 61334-5-1
Quantity of meters: 3750

Description of the project:

E.ON Hungary decided to curb illegal electricity consumption and started a pilot project to test new methods for decreasing the theft rate. E.ON chose to test ADDAX Pole Mounted Meter, a unique metering device developed and supplied by ADD Grup, a leading provider of PLC Technology, Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Smart Meters. The results of this pilot project were promising. Now E.ON is waiting for the technical and social outcomes of the project and it is anticipated that pole mounted meters can be an effective method to fight against illegal energy consumption.


Country: Lithuania
Partner: Tecnolines
Customer: ESO
Technology: PRIME
Quantity of meters: 3000

Description of the project:

Lithuanian National DSO ESO awarded the implementation of Smart Metering pilot project to the consortium of UAB Tecnolines, SIA Elko and ADD-Production S.R.L. as a result of competitive international tender. The AMI solution comprised more than 3000 smart electricity meters, data concentrators, Head-End System. Following communication technologies were used in this project: – PLC PRIME as main communication channel with all meters having PLC on-board; 3GPP (2G/3G) communication as back-up solution for specific field conditions.

2011 - 2022

Country: Northern Macedonia
Partner: ADD Bulgaria
Customer: EVN
Technology: S-FSK IEC 61334-5-1
Quantity of meters: 35000

Description of the project:

EVN Macedonia forges ahead with its smart meter deployment programme using ADD Grup’s ADDAX smart meters. The utility started it smart metering programme with a proof of concept in 2011 in order to understand the cost/benefit of the rollout. The main drivers for EVN’s smart meter initiative include the need to decrease electricity theft, which stood at 18.4% in 2011. Some of EVN wins since the beginning of the rollout include a decrease in electricity losses – down to 14.9% in 2015.

2011 - 2013

Country: Kyrgyzstan
Partner: AK-AY Elektrik
Customer: Severeleсtro
Technology: Part of meters were delivered on Universal Platform (supports S-FSK, PRIME, G3)
Quantity of meters: 100000

Description of the project:

Severelectro, a leading electricity power utility in Kyrgyzstan, awarded to AK-AY Elektrik, ADD Grup’s distributor, the contract for delivery and installation of Advanced Metering Infrastructure of more than 100 000 meters. For this project, ADD GRUP supplied 100 000+ Smart Meters as well as the Data Concentrators based on ADDAX Technology. The solution deployed uses Power Line Communications (PLC) based on S-FSK IEC 61334-5-1 as well as on Universal Platform that supports S-FSK, PRIME and G3 for data transmission between meters and concentrators. The communication between the concentrators and the Data Center is made through GPRS and CDMA. The use ADDAX IMS helps SeverElectro to reduce non-commercial losses as well as generates low operational costs due to use of PLC.

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Created by Five Stars Digital Agency
Technical support by Kurtev