
6000 smart meters with Hybrid solution for Palestine

The partner of Add Grup in Palestine TCEE signed new contract in order to deliver 6 000 smart meters with Hybrid solution for Biet Ummar Municipality.

TCEE decided to create completely autonomous platform with auto- billing, which earlier was described in the article “From stand-alone to fully integrated smart metering prepayment solution”. This solution is a a qualitative breakthrough leap in the management of electricity networks, that allows local governments and utility companies have everyday control over the electrical grids, in particular in autonomous mode.

In order to achieve successful implementation and usage, constant communication between smart meter and data-center is required.

Hybrid Solution from ADD Grup is here to provide unstoppable stability for communication, which provides 98-99.7% of data collection even in hard conditions. With autonomous transaction of communication unit between PLC & RF and independent formation topology of connection – Hybrid solution is ideal way for this project TCEE in Palestine.


Hybrid PLC+RF
Data exchange Every meter has PLC or RF, or PLC+RF connectivity to other meters. The route is built hop-to-hop, selecting between the best channel. The channel selection is dynamically adjusted based on media status. After a new e-meter is ...
Customer Interface Unit
Customer Interface Unit (CIU8.B-2-1) is used to display both metering information from the ADDAX meter and text messages sent locally via ADDAX meter optical port or remotely from the HES. The equipment is designed for communication with More details
Data Concentrator with metering part
Head-End Software
Our Head-End Software is represented by SIMS, Smart Integrated Metering System, which is software part of ADDAX IMS. Head-End Software contains different components that interact between themselves and the whole ADDAX Software Solution:
  • <...
Smart Metering Roadmap
  • Modular meter and DIN meters – via BLE channel;
  • WAN communications between Modular meter and HES :
    • Through the Data Concentrator over PLC, RF, Hybrid PLC+RF
    • Directly via 3GP...
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Created by Five Stars Digital Agency
Technical support by Kurtev