
How does the life of people change with the installation of the ADDAX system?

Payment for public services takes a large part of the family budget. And of course, each of us wants to save as much as possible. There is an opinion that smart meters help to protect only electricity suppliers, but it is not. Meters of the new generation, developed on the basis of ADDAX IMS, help to save a lot of money for consumers. Let’s talk about some advantages of smart meters.

• Savings on accounts.

In many countries there are different tariffs for electricity payments, in intellectual meters ADD Grup programmed up to 6 tariff registers, and up to 24 shifts per day, which enables customers to track their electricity consumption during the day, and adjust it depending on the tariff plan. For example, the daily or evening rate can be cheaper, and most of the energy-consuming work you can do in a more economical period. This is an excellent opportunity to adapt the consumption of electricity and reduce the amount of irrational use to ensure financial savings.

Residents of Latvia already have been appreciated by meters developed on the basis of the ADDAX IMS system. The energy company Sadales tīkls, which cooperates with ADDGrup, details the advantages of smart meters.

•   Security.

Smart meters have a high level of security, in addition, they are able to determine the quality of the supplied electricity (for example, voltage drops), to notify the electric network about it, which helps to prevent equipment breakdown or accidents. This happens, both due to the prompt intervention of the power grid staff, and the capabilities of the meter itself, which allows you to turn off the power, in case of dangerous excess voltage.

• You can monitor your electricity consumption on the Internet.

You are always aware of how much electricity you consume, that is, you will not be surprised by the bill at the end of the month, because you can always find out the amount of energy consumed online in your supplier’s website. Smart meters provide accurate information on your energy usage, in real time.

Polish partners ADD Grup, Energa-Operator, in their video, talk in detail about the convenience of payment and tracking of accounts on the Internet.

• Convenience of taking readings.

The meter reading is automatically sent to the server of the supplier company, you do not need to stay at home so that the employee of the company comes for the testimony. Everything happens remotely.

The ADDAX IMS accounting system provides data collection and processing functions, data exchange and some data analysis functions. The ADDAX IMS system supports credit and prepayment modes, load control and the possibility of its reduction, quality control of the supplied electricity.

ADD Grup, for its more than 20 years of experience in the production of smart meters, has implemented its projects in 27 countries and supplied more than 5.7 million smart meters.

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