
Slovak VSD, RWE Group, chose ADD GRUP for Smart Metering roll-out

Slovak company Východoslovenská distribučná, Košice (VSD), part of RWE Group, chose ADD GRUP to supply the first lot of 14 000 smart meters to be implemented this year. This delivery is part of a larger program to cover large customers. VSD implements the project to comply with government regulation on smart meters for large customer.

Slovak authorities decided that all customers with a consumption of more than 4,000 kWh per year should have smart meters. The total number of such customers in Slovakia is about 600 000. As large customers are scattered, the chosen communication technology is GPRS.

ADD GRUP’s distributor in Slovakia – TRANSTECH Prešov – handles the logistics, customer support and communication with the client. Stanislav Hutňan, CEO of TRANSTECH, said: “Besides compliance with regulatory requirements, the projects will bring tangible results. From now on the meters will send detailed information to national balancing body, OKTE. This will enable the advent of new services and new market players, the suppliers of electricity.”

ADD GRUP demonstrated flexibility by customizing its AMI solution for VSD’s requirements. Changes ranged from adjusting the set of data objects, display parameters, to adjusting the hardware.

ADD brought to VSD safe and standardized solution for the transport layer that allows to bring stable communication channel covering all customer needs.

About VSD

VSD owns and operates the distribution system in Eastern Slovakia in total length of more than 21,000 kilometers and its core business activity is electricity distribution to end customers to approx. 605,000 delivery points. VSD was established in November 2005 through unbundling from its mother company VSE.
About TRANSTECH, ADD GRUP’s partner in Slovakia.

TRANSTECH Company, Inc., provides co-operation in introduction, controlling and coordination of activities in the field of Smart Metering and remote monitoring of vehicles, etc.


ADD GRUP – supplied more than 4 million ADDAX Smart meters to 20 countries. ADDAX IMS is an open AMI solution using standard communication protocols  (2G/3G/4G/CDMA, PRIME, G3-PLC, IEC 62056-47) with the application of advanced information security measures
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