
Gas Natural Fenosa in Moldova chose ADDAX IMS to reduce nontechnical losses

ADD GRUP has deployed an end-to-end ADDAX AMI solution comprising 230 smart meters to RED Union Fenosa, in a problematic area in Chisinau, the capital city of the Republic of Moldova. The pilot has been in operation since the beginning of 2013 and has achieved its goal to reduce the non-technical losses.

During the pilot ADDAX IMS proved its efficiency in detecting electricity theft. Based on alarms received from ADDAX system RED Union Fenosa could curb illegal activity and even catch thieves red-handed. As a result the total losses were reduced from 20-30% to less than 10%.

“RED Union Fenosa continually searches for new and efficient ways to tackle electricity theft. We are glad to collaborate with ADD GRUP. ADDAX solution, which is recognized all over the world, is being tested in our company. We hope that the solution will prove its effectiveness and we are considering using ADDAX IMS in our networks.” Mihai Gidei, Manager for Energy Control, RED Union Fenosa.”
RED Union Fenosa examines the opportunity to use ADDAX meters in order to quickly identify high-loss areas.

ADDAX meters have advanced anti tampering features and two-way communication that enable timely actions by Utility. When somebody tries to interfere with the meter, or otherwise illegally consume the utility can send its crew to check and duly document any tampering attempt.
Besides the alarms, the system constantly does the balancing, i.e. computes the difference between supplied and billed electricity.

About, Î.C.S. “RED UNION FENOSA” S.A. is the biggest electricity distribution company in the Republic  of Moldova, with more than 800 000 customers. Spanish company Gas Natural SDG SA holds 100% shares of Î.C.S. “RED UNION FENOSA” S.A. For more information about Î.C.S. “RED UNION FENOSA” S.A. please visit

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