
ADD GRUP and its partners to supply 310 000 PRIME compliant meters to Energa-Operator, one of the largest Distribution System operator in Poland.

Chisinau, Republic of Moldova; Warsaw, Poland – 04 February 2013 – ADD GRUP will supply to Energa-Operator 310 000 ADDAX meters compliant with PRIME specifications during 2013. According to the current project is the largest AMI project in Poland.
The concentrators will be supplied by the company Current Group. The other ADD GRUP’s partners in this project: ARCUS, T-matic Systems will take care of rollout management, logistics and integration aspects of the project.
What makes this project special is that it is the first significant implementation of PRIME compliant meters outside of Spain. ADD GRUP joined PRIME Alliance in 2010 and has already developed meters according to PRIME specification. Compliance has been confirmed by an independent laboratory.
Energa-Operator have signed a Framework agreement with ARCUS and T-matic Systems in June 2011. In 2012, according to the framework agreement, ARCUS GROUP has supplied 109 000 ADDAX AMI meters (made by ADD GRUP) which use Power Line communication based on DLMS open protocol and S-FSK modulation. The project proved to be successful. The field pilot demonstrated the full AMI functionality of ADDAX meters: cost-effective, open PLC communications, remote firmware update, remote disconnection, tamper protection.
The current project is a step forward toward the implementation of open, fully interoperable PLC solution.
Energa-Operator SA – one of the largest distributing companies in Poland. It supplies energy to nearly 2.5 Million households and 300 000 companies, in total over 20 TWh of energy annually. The company maintains the total efficiency of network assets including 191 000 km of overhead and cable power lines. Energa-Operator is part of Energa Group. For detailed information please visit
ADD GRUP has developed ADDAX – a suite of hardware and software solution for Advanced Metering Infrastructure. Since 1998, ADD GRUP and its partners have manufactured more than 3 Million Smart meters based on ADDAX technology. Major projects were implemented in: Russia, Ukraine, Sweden, Bulgaria, Poland, Brazil, South Africa. ADD GRUP offers interoperable solutions based on latest industry standards: PRIME, DLMS/COSEM. Having open/interoperable solutions, our clients can optimize the rollout of smart meters. For detailed information about ADD GRUP please .
PRIME (PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution) represents a public, open and non-proprietary telecommunications architecture which supports present and future AMM functionalities and enables the building of the electricity networks of the future, or smart grids. For detailed information please visit
ARCUS S.A., since 2007 listed on the WSE, is one of the biggest suppliers of integrated systems for documents management and mass correspondence in Poland.
T-matic Systems belonging to the Arcus Group, is a leading M2M business operator and supplier of telematic solutions. Our Business methodology based on consulting, implementing and servicing is driven by clients using our solutions every day.. More info on .
For further details please contact Nicolae Tarlapan, marketing department, ADD GRUP at, or +373 22 930012
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