
ADD Grup to supply 100 000+ Smart Meters to Kyrgyzstan

Severelectro, a leading electricity power utility in Kyrgyzstan, awarded to AK-AY Elektrik, ADD GRUP’s distributor, the contract of installing an Advanced Metering Infrastructure of more than 100 000 meters. The rollout will be preceded by a pilot project in Bishkek, the country’s capital city.

For this project, ADD GRUP will supply 100 000+ Smart Meters as well as the Data Concentrators based on ADDAX Technology. The solution deployed will use Power Line Communications (PLC) based on S-FSK modulation for data transmission between meters and concentrators. The communication between the concentrators and the Data Center will be via GPRS and CDMA. The use of PLC will significantly reduce the system operating costs.

The installation of the 100 000+ Smart electricity Meters is part of Advanced Measures Severelectro (Network Rehabilitation Component) and Efficiency Improvement of Power Sector in Kyrgyzstan, credited by KfW Bank.

With regards to ADDAX IMS rollout in Kyrgyzstan, Ruslan Casico, Head of Sales and Marketing at ADD GRUP, said that: “we believe that the implementation of ADDAX AMI solution into the grid of Severelectro will reduce non-technical losses and will improve the management of the grid. All the stakeholders of the Kyrgyz electricity market will take advantage of the increased transparency and network reliability”

About ADD GRUP: ADD GRUP is dedicated to develop powerful solutions which enable full control and management of the metering infrastructure, and help Utilities to create a reliable platform for the cooperation with its customers and suppliers.

About ADDAX IMS: ADD GRUP’s primary product ADDAX IMS is a turnkey solution, which includes high accuracy metering equipment, a reliable communication network based on open standards and a set of software solutions, offering full control over the system. More than 1.9 million of ADDAX smart meters based on PLC communications have been installed in different countries such as Sweden, Russia, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Brazil, Egypt, South Africa and others.

About AK-AY Elektrik: AK-AY ELEKTRIK Dis Tic. Koll. Sti. was established as an engineering, design and project management company for HV/MV/LV electrical networks and substations. The company has know-how for Transmission Lines, Mobile Substations, Control & Protection, SCADA, Automation, Renewable Energy and Electromechanical Manufacturing.

About Severelectro:  JSC Severelectro is a leading power distribution utility in Kyrgyzstan that has more than 500 000 power users in 17 territorial subdivisions. The company’s main business areas are selling electricity and maintaining its distribution grid of 35- 10- 6 -0,4 kV.

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